Monday Evening
Davis' Group - Kelvin Grove - Fortnightly - 7.15 - 9.15pm - Contact Claire 021-727-950

The Davis Home Group meets in Kelvin Grove every second Monday from 7.15pm to 9.15.  Mixed ages from 30s to 60s; predominantly (but not all) couples.  We start with tea / coffee before worship, a Bible Study & Discussion, and ending with prayer ministry.  Our focus in 2025 is an in-depth dive into Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Contact Claire 021-727-950.

Alderdice's Group - Terrace End - Weekly - 7.00pm - Contact Stephen 0210573773 
Men Only Group  - Central - Fortnightly - 8.00pm - Contact Mike 021-594-225
Tuesday Evening
Harper's Group - Awapuni - Weekly - 7.30pm - Contact Paul
Costley's Group - Hokowhitu - Weekly - 7.30pm - Contact Dot Our group is made up of 'mature women' and we meet on Tuesday evenings most weeks. We enjoy digging into the bible together, as well as supporting one another through prayer and encouragement. We celebrate birthdays, and love an excuse for a very good pot luck dinner together (often including the occasional husband!).  Meeting time: 7.30 pm to somewhere between 9 and 9.30 pm.


Steer's Group - Central - Weekly - 8.00pm - Contact Sarah and Phil on

Wednesday Evening

Drake's Group - Kelvin Grove - Weekly - 7.00pm - Contact Prue


Women Only Group - Hokowhitu - Weekly - 7.30 - 9.00pm - Contact Cheryl

We are a group of women who have been meeting since 1995 with some new people joining as others have moved away. Our ages range from late thirties to 70s. We are always open to welcoming newcomers. Sometimes we have 10 women who gather and sometimes only 5 and occasionally only 2.

We usually meet on a Wednesday night from 7.30-9pm.We support each other by praying and providing encouragement with verses and questions about what we are thankful for. We have quarterly bring and share meals as well as celebrating birthdays  and other special occasions .Our meetings involve prayer, bible study and worship.As a group we also have an outward focus: we make meals for the elderly and others in need using the church kitchen and freeze those meals for access when required . Other projects include filling Grace bags for women’s Refuge and collecting stationery for students.

Please email me if you are interested in coming to the group or to see if this will be a good fit for you:

Thursday Evening
Young Adults - Kairanga - Weekly  - Time 7.00pm - 9.00pm - Contact Andrew 027 -542- 5959
Anyone 18 - 30ish gather at the Carsons house for food, fun, games, the stuff quiz and Bible study each Thursday night.  We have our monthly meal on the first Thursday of the month at 6pm and then meet for Bible study on the other nights at 7pm.  Our best Stuff Quiz score is 15/15 but that has only happened once. We have great discussion and talk deeply about how to live our lives following Jesus in the best way we can in our present context.  Everyone Welcome.
Saturday Evening
Family Group - Takaro - Monthly - 4.30 -6.30pm - Contact Alison
Daytime Groups

 Craft Group - All Saints - Wednesday Fortnightly on 2nd and 4th weeks 3.00pm - Contact Alison 027-813- 5221