The Season of Lent
is a time of reflection and preparation as we travel towards Easter.
Lenten Study for Individuals or Prayer Triplets
I know that some people, in the past, have undertaken the Lenten Studies as an individual and/or a prayer triplet. This year our Lenten studies are based on a book called “Restoring the Story: The Good News of Atonement” by Rev Dr Anne van Gend. I have adapted the material from Anne’s study guide and the Diocesan extra resources and have added some Bible passages to help facilitate your study.
It seeks to explore the topic, why Jesus had to die? It looks at the topic through different lenses to build a complex understanding of this concept that is at the heart of our faith. I pray that you will find it useful and deeply enriching.
As part of your study, you may like to use a type of sacred reading called Lectio Divina, the instructions for which are given below.  You may also like to use the Kairos Circle to guide your reflections.
Lectio Divina
Read the Bible passage through slowly a few times and contemplate the questions below and consider what might God be saying to you through your responses? 
  • Which word stands out to you from this passage?
  • What phrase or idea stands out from this passage?
  • How does this story make you feel?
  • What does the passage make you wonder about.

Family / Households

If you would like a family study pack please get in contact with the Childrens Church leaders.

Click on the Resources link to access all the lenten study group resources and family resources.


Lenten Study Groups

We have a number of groups who are undertaking the Lenten Study this year.  The details are as follows.

Special Lenten Study Groups

  • Thursdays 11.30 am St Oswald’s including lunch starting March 6

Contact Julia

  • Sundays 11.30 am St Oswald’s Hall including lunch starting March 8

Contact Sue

  • Tuesdays 5.30 pm All Saints’ with light supper starting March 8

Contact Victoria

  • Wednesday’s 9.30 am St Oswald’s Hall study and playgroup starting March 8

Contact Kim.


Some of existing Small Groups are also working through the lenten studies. so check with your small  group leaderfor more details.